Ann was a force of nature. Ing and I came to Chicago from Detroit in 1977 like "two deers in the headlights" and just happen to be fortunate to land in an apartment building next to Chris and Ann. It lead to a wonderful friendship, 34+ years of tennis with Chris and, for me, lots of great Ann-agement. What is Ann-agement? Its Ann styled management. She bamboozled me into being a Picture-Lady at Washington school along with numerous school related volunteer projects - and I didn't yet have kids! I even worked the polls for her for a District 65 referendum I didn't even understand at the time. She was always offering advice - some of it great and some of it not so great - but I never had the guts to challenge her for fear of losing another debate. As we all know she was a great cook, a great community member and a joy to talk to. I will always be greatful she shared Chris with me for tennis all those years. I will always be greatful to know the deBrauw boys who are their own men and have been fun to watch grown up as God Fearing Sox fans. Last, but not least, the clearist memory of Ann I have is that of someone who embraced life with joy and always made you feel that she embraced you with that same joy. We are all lucky to have known this force of nature! Bill Stafford